Top 5+ Keywords Everywhere Alternatives – Enhance Your Keyword Research Efforts

Top 5+ Keywords Everywhere Alternatives Enhance Your Keyword Research Efforts

In the world of digital marketing, keyword research plays a crucial role in driving organic traffic to websites. One popular tool that has gained significant attention is “Keywords Everywhere.”

This Keywords Everywhere Alternatives article explores various aspects of Keywords Everywhere, including alternatives, free alternatives, and reviews. Whether you’re looking for an alternative tool or interested in understanding its features and pricing, this comprehensive guide will provide you with valuable insights.

Keywords Everywhere: An Overview

Keywords Everywhere is a powerful keyword research tool that helps marketers and website owners discover relevant keywords for their content. By providing search volume, cost-per-click (CPC), and competition data, it allows users to optimize their content and attract more targeted traffic.

However, there are instances when users might need alternatives to Keywords Everywhere. Let Best SaaS Tools delve into some of the top Keywords Everywhere alternatives available in the market.

Keywords Everywhere Alternatives: Finding the Right Fit

Unfortunately, due to recent changes, Keywords Everywhere shifted from a free service to a paid model. This transition has left many users searching for alternatives that offer similar functionality without breaking the bank. Fortunately, several excellent Keywords Everywhere alternatives can help you in your keyword research endeavors.

Ahrefs Keywords Explorer

Ahrefs is another exceptional alternative to Keywords Everywhere, catering to the needs of marketers and website owners alike. Renowned for its robust backlink analysis capabilities, Ahrefs also offers a comprehensive keyword research feature.

Ahrefs Keywords Explorer
Ahrefs Keywords Explorer

By utilizing Ahrefs, users can explore relevant keywords, analyze search volume trends, and evaluate keyword difficulty. Additionally, the tool provides valuable data on backlinks, enabling marketers to understand their competitors’ link building strategies. Ahrefs empowers marketers to uncover lucrative keyword opportunities and develop a well-rounded SEO strategy.

If you’re seeking a top-notch Keywords Everywhere alternative, look no further than Ahrefs. With its comprehensive suite of features and robust data analysis capabilities, Ahrefs stands out as the ultimate tool for your keyword research needs.

SEMrush Keyword Magic Tool

SEMrush is a leading SEO toolkit that offers an array of powerful features, including an advanced keyword research tool. With SEMrush, users gain access to a vast database of keywords, providing valuable insights into search volume, CPC, and competition data.

SEMrush Keyword Magic Tool
SEMrush Keyword Magic Tool

The tool allows marketers to discover new keyword opportunities, analyze competitor strategies, and track keyword rankings. By leveraging SEMrush, marketers can unlock comprehensive keyword insights and develop an effective content optimization strategy.

Don’t settle for anything less than the best when it comes to Keywords Everywhere alternatives. SEMRush offers an unparalleled range of features and in-depth keyword analysis, making it the ideal choice for maximizing your online presence.

Moz Keyword Explorer

Moz Keyword Explorer is a highly regarded keyword research tool that provides valuable insights into keyword performance and difficulty. With its intuitive interface and comprehensive data, Moz Keyword Explorer enables users to uncover new keywords that can drive targeted traffic.

Moz Keyword Explorer
Moz Keyword Explorer

The tool offers accurate search volume metrics, suggests related keywords, and provides valuable SERP analysis. By leveraging Moz Keyword Explorer, marketers can discover untapped keyword opportunities and optimize their content for maximum visibility.

Moz Pro is your go-to solution for Keywords Everywhere alternatives. With its powerful keyword research tools and extensive SEO insights, Moz Pro empowers you to stay ahead of the competition and boost your search rankings.

LongTailPro – Discover long-tail keywords

LongTailPro specializes in assisting marketers in finding profitable long-tail keywords. Long-tail keywords are longer, more specific phrases that often have lower search volume but higher conversion potential. With LongTailPro, users can identify long-tail keywords that are less competitive and have a higher chance of ranking.

LongTailPro - Discover long-tail keywords
LongTailPro – Discover long-tail keywords

The tool provides comprehensive data on search volume, competition, and keyword suggestions. By optimizing their content with long-tail keywords, marketers can drive highly targeted traffic and improve their conversion rates.

Long Tail Pro stands tall as a reliable Keywords Everywhere alternative. With its focus on long-tail keywords and comprehensive search metrics, Long Tail Pro equips you with the insights you need to outrank your competitors.

Keywords Everywhere Free Alternative: Exploring Cost-Free Options

In the realm of keyword research, finding the right tools to optimize content without breaking the bank is a common concern for marketers and website owners. While Keywords Everywhere offers a free trial, some users may prefer completely cost-free keywords everywhere alternatives.

Let’s delve into a few options worth considering that can help you discover relevant keywords and enhance your content strategy, all without spending a dime.

Google Trends: Tracking Keyword Popularity and Trends

Google Trends is a valuable tool for exploring keyword popularity and understanding search trends. While it doesn’t provide precise search volume data, it offers insights into the rise and fall of keyword interest over time.

Google Trends: Tracking Keyword Popularity and Trends
Google Trends: Tracking Keyword Popularity and Trends

By visualizing the relative popularity of different search terms, Google Trends enables marketers to identify emerging trends and align their content with the interests of their target audience. As a cost-free alternative to Keywords Everywhere, Google Trends is a valuable addition to your keyword research toolkit.

Ubersuggest: Freemium Keyword Research Tool

Ubersuggest is a popular keyword research tool that offers both free and premium features. While the premium version provides more advanced functionalities, the free version of Ubersuggest still offers access to basic keyword suggestions and search volume data.

Ubersuggest: Freemium Keyword Research Tool
Ubersuggest: Freemium Keyword Research Tool

With Ubersuggest, marketers can explore keyword ideas, analyze search volume, and assess keyword difficulty. This freemium alternative to Keywords Everywhere provides valuable insights for optimizing content without incurring additional costs.

Ubersuggest is not just another Keywords Everywhere alternative; it’s a complete keyword research solution. With its extensive keyword database and competitor analysis tools, Ubersuggest empowers you to uncover new opportunities and drive targeted traffic to your website.

AnswerThePublic: Visualize Keyword Suggestions

AnswerThePublic is a unique keyword research tool that presents keyword suggestions in a visually engaging format. By organizing keyword ideas as questions, prepositions, and comparisons, AnswerThePublic helps content creators understand search intent and craft more relevant and engaging content.

AnswerThePublic: Visualize Keyword Suggestions
AnswerThePublic: Visualize Keyword Suggestions

With its free version, users can access a limited number of keyword suggestions and gain insights into the language and queries used by their target audience. AnswerThePublic serves as a cost-free alternative to Keywords Everywhere, aiding in generating fresh keyword ideas for content optimization.

Keywords Everywhere Review: User Opinions

To gain insights into the user experience and assess the effectiveness of Keywords Everywhere, let’s delve into a collection of reviews from individuals who have utilized the tool:

Positive Reviews

Keywords Everywhere has garnered praise from numerous users who appreciate its user-friendly interface and the comprehensive keyword data it provides. Many find the tool invaluable for content optimization and identifying untapped keyword opportunities. The convenience of the browser extension is also highly regarded, allowing users to view keyword data directly within search results and streamline their keyword research process.

Negative Reviews

While Keywords Everywhere has received positive feedback, there are instances where users have encountered issues with the accuracy of the search volume data provided by the tool. It’s worth noting that the search volumes presented by Keywords Everywhere may not always align with data from other keyword research tools or search engines. Users are advised to consider this factor and exercise caution when solely relying on the tool for keyword analysis.

Keywords Everywhere Pricing: Free or Paid?

Keywords Everywhere offers both free and paid options to cater to the varying needs of users. The free version grants access to limited keyword data, allowing individuals to explore the basic features of the tool. On the other hand, the paid version unlocks advanced functionalities and provides more comprehensive insights into keyword research.

The pricing structure follows a credits-based system, where users can purchase credits to access keyword data beyond the limitations of the free version. Pricing plans begin at $10 for 100,000 credits, offering flexibility for users who require enhanced capabilities.


Is Keywords Everywhere free?

Keywords Everywhere offers both free and paid options. While the free version provides limited features and data, users can access more comprehensive insights by opting for the paid version.

What are some alternatives to Keywords Everywhere?

Some popular alternatives to Keywords Everywhere include Ahrefs Keywords Explorer, SEMrush Keyword Magic Tool, Moz Keyword Explorer, Google Trends, Ubersuggest, and AnswerThePublic.

How accurate is Keywords Everywhere's search volume data?

The accuracy of Keywords Everywhere's search volume data can vary. It's important to consider that search volumes provided by Keywords Everywhere may not always align with other keyword research tools or search engine data.

Can I use Keywords Everywhere for free?

Yes, Keywords Everywhere offers a free version with limited features and data. However, to access more comprehensive insights and advanced functionalities, users can opt for the paid version.

What is the pricing for Keywords Everywhere?

Keywords Everywhere's pricing follows a credits-based system. Users can purchase credits starting at $10 for 100,000 credits, which can be used to access keyword data and unlock advanced features.

Are there any free alternatives to Keywords Everywhere?

Yes, several free alternatives to Keywords Everywhere are available, such as Google Keyword Planner, Google Trends, Ubersuggest, and AnswerThePublic. While these tools may offer limited features, they can still be valuable for keyword research.


Keywords Everywhere is a popular keyword research tool that provides valuable insights into search volumes, CPC, and competition data. However, if you’re looking for keywords everywhere alternatives or cost-free options, there are several tools available in the market.

Ahrefs Keywords Explorer, SEMrush Keyword Magic Tool, Moz Keyword Explorer, and Google Keyword Planner are some notable alternatives. For those seeking cost-free options, Google Trends, Ubersuggest, and AnswerThePublic can be valuable additions to your keyword research toolbox.

Remember to consider the pros and cons of each tool and choose the one that best aligns with your specific needs and budget. Successful keyword research is a vital aspect of any SEO strategy, and with the right tools at your disposal, you can enhance your content’s visibility and attract more targeted traffic.

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