Instant Delivery



  • Turntin Edu
  • Premade account (Individual)


  • The package does NOT support the use of AI features
  • The account will be upgraded on your email
  • Turnitin upgrade package (1 Month) will have 20 checks / 1 month
  • Turnitin upgrade package (3 Month) will have 50 checks / 1 month
  • Turnitin upgrade package (6 Month) will have 30 checks / 1 daily
  • Turnitin upgrade package (12 Month) will have 30 checks / 1 daily
Note: Turnitin is available and we will deliver it to you within 24 hours. Once your order is complete, please check your email to receive it. SKU: N/A Categories: , Tags: , , Join best community: Facebook, Telegram